Check out this article about a recent study examining the varying relationship between anxiety, depression, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in veterans over time.
“Anxiety and depression symptoms in veterans with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) often fluctuate substantially over time, a researcher said here.”
“Psychological well-being is a critical aspect of IBD. The connection between IBD and psychological health are clinically evident. The conditions both need symptomatic control and medications that vary over time requiring changes in management and constant adjustment on the part of both the patient and the clinician, Mallepally highlighted here.
Many studies have looked at the relationship between psychological health and IBD. One systematic review indicated that 21% of IBD patients had depressive symptoms during periods of IBD remission, and 34% when IBD was active. As for anxiety, as many as 30% experience symptoms when the disease is in remission, which can reach 80% during active periods, Mallepally noted.”
Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Health was created exactly for the purpose of PROVIDING HOLISTIC CARE for patients with IBD. We combine:
- A community gastroenterologist with significant IBD experience and expertise who LISTENS to a patient’s concerns and preferences and is open minded regarding all facets of treatment options
- A registered dietitian to address the complex nutritional needs of IBD patients
- A behavioral coach/counselor to help with coping skills, stress management, and techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy and gut-directed hypnotherapy for the frequently superimposed functional or IBS component of symptoms
- A nurse practitioner who is easily accessible for prompt communication and rapid appointment availability (as well as three wonderful nurses to help out!)
Please call 224.407.4400 to schedule a consultation or visit to learn more about what our team can offer you.