How the Scale Can Lie
Dexafit scan is a simple tool that is utilized by our staff here at Comprehensive GastrointestinalHealth to measure your body composition. The scan itself takes 6 minutes, no prep necessary and will tell us with 98% accuracy a detailed snapshot of your body, broken down region by region comparing muscle symmetry, determining lean muscle mass, and the quantity of important visceral adiposity (the distribution of fat in your internal organs that can help determine your risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease). The information gained is important because muscle tissue is a more “biologically active” tissue than fat. This means muscle can burn almost four times the calories simply by existing.
It is always disappointing when we don’t see the results that we want when we first set off on our weight loss journey. We have all had that moment when we step on the scale after a few weeks of dedicated gym routines and mindful diet adherence and we see that we haven’t lost a pound. Or even worse, that we’ve actually gained weight! That can cause doubt in our efforts and understandably a loss of motivation to stick with our new fitness regimen. BUT unbeknownst to many, those weeks that you spent sweating and sticking to your veggies, lean proteins, fiber rich carbs and water intake have actually done wonders for your body, you just can’t see that on a scale…. But you can see changes of your efforts with the help of Dexafit Scan.
We combine Dexafit scan with lab markers of metabolic function and customize a fitness and nutrition plan right for you. Once you have started on your new lifestyle program designed by our team, we will continue to monitor and track your body’s changes over a three and six month period. We develop a long term lifestyle plan to optimize your health, lean body mass, and bone density while maintaining or achieving an ideal body weight. The health benefits gained by increasing your ratio of muscle to fat include improved quality of life, athletic performance, and overall health. These body changes are far superior to simply “losing weight”or being “thin.”
Please call us at 224.407.4400 or visit and let us help you achieve your best level of wellness in 2019.