CYBERTREAT YOUR IBS: Video Chat Your Way to Better Health
Check out this article from the United Kingdom! GUT-DIRECTED HYPNOTHERAPY over video chat is already being used as an effective means of treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms in the U.S. and abroad. Gut-directed hypnotherapy has proven to produce positive outcomes for IBS patients, and now it’s been shown to work through the internet.
For a reminder on how gut-directed hypnotherapy can help your gastrointestinal symptoms, especially irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia, follow these links to prior posts:
Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Health is one of the few practices offering this “At-home” service to our patients.
Call us at 224.407.4400 and schedule an appointment with counselor, Jed Foster of the Behavioral Health Specialists of CGH. We’d be happy to show you how gut-directed hypnotherapy uses the mind-gut axis as a go-to tool in the efforts to control your symptoms…and keep your symptoms from controlling you.