“It hurts.”
“It’s boring.”
“I don’t have time.”
“It costs too much.”
If these words have escaped your mouth or crossed your mind, then this article is for you.
As the Behavior Coach and Counselor at Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Health, I can sing the virtues of exercise on your mental health until the cows come home. But, as a human being with a job, a family, expenses, and a list of injuries so long people ask me if I played in the NFL (nope), I can also empathize with those of you that find excuses much more readily accessible than the local gym. That said, I do my best to get there…and so should you. In honor of colorectal cancer awareness month, I’m sharing this article in the hopes that some of you can find a reason (or 20) to put aside the excuses and start moving toward a healthier you.
Exercise is a wonderful adjunct to just about everything. It makes talk therapy more effective. It makes antidepressant medications more effective. It makes YOU more effective. If you need help getting started – whether it’s for weight management, physical fitness, better mental health, or to simply raise your overall well-being – then call and make an appointment with our Physical Therapist and Fitness Consultant, Shayne Welch; or, if you’re having trouble matching your intention and motivation with your goals, come in build an effective strategy with me.
The team at Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Health is eager to help you achieve your wellness goals. Consultations with the behavioral coach/counselor, dietitian, and physical therapist/fitness consultant are usually covered by standard commercial health insurance and we can help you figure out your coverage.
Please call 224.407.4400 or visit compgihealth.com to schedule an appointment or to learn more information.