by Jeffrey Nathanson, M.D.
There has been a growing body of research that suggests that the chronology of our days can influence our overall health. In the last few years, several medical studies have shown that when we eat and go to sleep can impact our metabolism. Now we can add when we exercise to that list.
In a study published in Physiological Reports and discussed in a recent New York Time article, researchers found that men at high risk for Type 2 diabetes who completed late afternoon workouts on an exercise bicycle improved their metabolic health far more than those who performed the same exercise in the morning. After 12 weeks, the men who exercised in the late afternoon demonstrated significantly better average insulin sensitivity and dropped somewhat more fat around their middles than the morning riders.
New York Times: The Best Time of Day to Exercise
While it is not clear why the later workouts might affect metabolism differently than earlier ones, the lead author of the study Dr. Patrick Schrauwen, a professor of nutrition and movement sciences at Maastricht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, says moderate afternoon exercise may “help to faster metabolize people’s last meals” before they go to sleep. This effect could leave our bodies in a fasted state overnight, which may better synchronize body clocks and metabolisms and fine-tune health.
Although the study was small and did not include women, it does add to a growing body of literature that suggests that every tissue in our bodies contains a kind of molecular clock that chimes, in part, in response to biologic messages related to our daily exposure of light, food, sleep, and now exercise.
So don’t feel bad about sleeping in (in fact, adequate sleep duration also contributes significantly to metabolic health!); just make sure you squeeze in that workout later on in the day!!
If you are interested in developing a more healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet, an effective exercise routine, and quality sleep, our team at Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Health includes two Registered Dietitians, a Physical Therapist, and a Behavioral Counselor who will work closely together and with you to develop sustainable life changes to achieve your wellness goals. Please contact us at 224-407-4400 or through our website at