How To Prevent Holiday GI Upset
How To Prevent Holiday GI Upset
by Allison Lindstrom, NP
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so why do I feel like my GI system is less than wonderful around the holidays? If you have this same sentiment, you are not alone! For most people, we look forward to the classics that make us feel at home – Aunt Peg’s potato casserole, Grandma’s special cookie recipe, or Mom’s secret gravy sauce. Despite all of this nostalgia and delicious feasting, many people come out of the holiday season needing to press the “reset” button come January 1. Here are some helpful tips to help prevent the GI holiday grumble which can come in the form of heartburn, bloating, upset stomach, diarrhea and/or constipation.
1) Be aware of your portion sizes!
Generally, holiday foods are high in fat and sugar which may not be what your normal diet consists of. Fat slows down digestion and can trigger reflux, as well as weight gain which can contribute to an upset stomach. A simple solution to inevitably eating your favorite holiday foods is to exercise caution in HOW MUCH you eat. Overeating can stretch your stomach beyond its normal size which will increase pressure on your esophageal sphincter possibly leading to heartburn symptoms. Your body will also need more time to digest the excess fatty foods which can contribute to constipation.
2) Ensure you get your fiber intake
When we overeat we make digestion more difficult which contributes to constipation. We are also prone to constipation as most holiday dishes are devoid of fiber. The recommended fiber goal for women is 25-30 grams of fiber per day, and men 30-38 grams of fiber per day. If you have trouble getting this through your diet naturally, consider adding fiber supplementation by way of Metamucil or Benefiber. Kiwi fruit, prunes, apricots and flax seeds are also excellent dietary sources of fiber.
3) Drink (WATER)
While most people indulge in a drink or two more than they are used to around the holidays, try switching an alcoholic beverage with a glass of water. One of the leading causes of constipation is dehydration which can be triggered by increased alcohol intake as it is a diuretic. Alcohol can also make us forget about our good dietary intentions during the holidays!
4) Get moving!
Instead of laying on the couch after a big meal (can exacerbate heartburn), take a walk outside and help your GI system begin digestion and move food through. This not only helps prevent heartburn, but will help with constipation and weight management.
If you feel any GI complaints that are persistent past the holidays, make sure to call our office to discuss your symptoms and determine if any further testing/treatment is indicated. Call 224-407-4400 to schedule a visit.