The Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
The Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
by Claire Allen, RD
These days it seems we are all strapped for time and space to get a work out in. The days of going to the gym are on hold for many of us. One workout that provides a huge reward and requires little time or equipment is high intensity interval training (HIIT).
HIIT workouts include any form of exercise that alternates between bursts of activity and small breaks of less intense activity or rest. An example would be jumping rope for 2 minutes with a 1-minute break. Repeat that interval 5 times, and you have a 15-minute HIIT workout. Here are some benefits of HIIT workouts:
- Efficiency: HIIT workouts require as little as 10 minutes to complete. In that time, you can get your heart rate up and still build muscle.
- Afterburn Effect: HIIT workouts have been proven to not only burn more calories than steady state cardio, but they also cause an “afterburn effect.” This means that you continue to burn calories after the workout while your body is recovering.
- All you need is your body: Equipment is not required. Exercises that you can include to get your heart rate up include high knees, running in place, push ups, jumping jacks, jumping squats or burpees.
- No gym required: HIIT workouts can be done anywhere. You don’t need a gym membership or a personal trainer.
Interested in these types of workouts but not sure where to start? Our weight management team consists of clinicians who are here to help assist you in your exercise journey during these unprecedented times. Call or email our office at 224-407-4400 or to learn more. #highintensityintervaltraining #HIIT