Fall Update on Food Labels

October 4, 2022CLAIRE ALLEN, MS, RDN, LDN
An announcement ahead of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health indicates there is a push from the Biden administration to list food labels on the front of packaging. This stems from an effort to help consumers more readily understand nutrition information in what they are eating. This proposal will update the existing setup, in which nutritional information is typically on the back of labels. According to media sources, this is part of the administration’s effort to “shift our health care system away from just treating disease to prevent it.” Additionally, the administration plans to propose an update to the nutrition criteria for the “healthy” claim on foods.
“The front-of-package labeling — which could come in the form of star ratings or traffic light images — would aim “to help consumers, particularly those with lower nutrition literacy, quickly and easily identify foods that are part of a healthy eating pattern,” the White House said in a 44-page strategy report.”
More to come as details emerge from the Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, the first of its kind since a similar Nixon-era conference over 50 years ago.
If you are interested in learning more about what components are important to read in a food label, our team of dietitians are here to help. Schedule an initial quick consult today at 224-407-4400 or at www.compgihealth.com.