Chips for Dinner??
Do you ever find yourself standing in the middle of the kitchen eating crackers right out of the box? Do you eat your lunch in front of the computer multi-tasking? Or finish food of your kid’s plate and consider this your “meal”? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you have fallen culprit to mindless eating, which may be impacting your waistline more than you realize.
“Mindfulness” is an ancient topic that has recently gained increased attention. The concept of mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. Applying this concept to eating helps to manage food intake based on the needs of your body. Unlike diets which focus on willpower and self-control, mindful eating concentrates on creating balance through self-regulation based on physical hunger and fullness cues that help to guide your food portions and choices. It focuses on being in the moment while eating, acknowledging your personal likes and dislikes, and selecting food that is satisfying to you and nourishing your body.
*List created by Christopher Willard PsyD
Mindfulness is a key component of the Weight Management program at Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Health. Our skilled registered dietitian will guide you through mindful eating strategies that you can integrate in your daily lifestyle. Ditch the diet today and call 224-407-4400 or visit learn more about this valuable skill that may be the key to your weight loss success.