Check out this link from the Gut Microbiota for Health regarding the connection between the trillion microorganisms that reside in every individual’s gut and their relationship with our minds (and so much more…)
“Understanding the interaction between brain, gut and microbiome is the goal of John Cryan’s work as Principal Investigator at the APC Microbiome Institute in Cork, Ireland. In the talk he gave at TEDxHa’pennyBridge, held in Dublin in June 2017, Prof. Cryan looked into this connection and its influence over psychiatric and immune-related disorders.”
As mentioned many times before on our blog and social media posts, there is SO MUCH to learn about the gut microbiome’s influence on our health – from blood sugar control and weight management, to depression/anxiety, to gut symptoms and colon cancer risks. I eagerly anticipate learning all that science will have to offer on this topic in the decades to come.
Please call 224.407.4400 or visit compgihealth.com schedule an appointment. We are eager to share all we know about the impact the gut microbiome may have on your health and wellness, as well as all of the nutritional changes you can make to optimize your gut flora. CONSULTATIONS WITH OUR DIETITIAN ARE ROUTINELY COVERED BY STANDARD HEALTH INSURANCE – take advantage of the opportunity!