The Infamous Squatty Potty
The Infamous Squatty Potty
By Liz Moon, NP
Defecation posture-modifying device (DPMD) is the technical term for what we know as Squatty Potty. Research has shown that squatting or using a device such as the Squatty Potty reduces straining, improves bowel emptying, and decreases time in the bathroom when compared with sitting. Squatting as a means of eliminating is a common practice in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
When people say they are ‘constipated’, this can come in many forms such as hard and pebble like stool, spending a long time attempting to evacuate, straining or not feeling completely emptied. Eliminating while squatting allows for a proper anorectal angle. Dr. Kathleen Regan explains that stool
“doesn’t have to sneak around a bunch of sphincters (like it does in a seated position). While squatting, the pelvis shifts, and the stool has a straight line to travel out the rectum. This position takes the anorectal angle from 90 degrees to about 140 degrees.”
“DPMDs have not been studied before in a large, well characterized cohort of adults with chronic constipation” and therefore Dr. Borko Nojkov of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and colleagues investigated this. They found that 21% of patients in their study were able to normalize balloon expulsion time (BET) with normal anorectal sphincter relaxation, this was clinically significant. Dr. David Greenwald stated, “This is a potentially major advance, since such a relatively simple device can be widely applied without any side effects and would benefit a large number of patients with chronic constipation and evacuation disorders.”
If you are struggling with constipation and need direction, we can help! Reach out today and request an appointment with one of our Gastroenterologists or Nurse Practitioners through our website at or by phone 224-407-4400.