You may have been introduced to this product by its debut on the TV show Shark Tank. Check out the story of the Squatty Potty – a favorite white elephant gift that has made $30 million!
People ask all the time, “Does this actually work??” And the answer is, a frustrating “sometimes”.
However, if you are one of roughly quarter of American women that are affected by a pelvic floor disorder, this simple device may be worth a try! Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to the difficulty some individuals have in correctly tightening and relaxing the muscles in the floor of the pelvis that control the process of having a bowel movement. People may have difficulty in evacuating a bowel movement, they may have an incomplete bowel movement, or they may leak urine or stool. If you ever have to get into unusual positions or strain to pass a bowel movement, feel like you haven’t completely evacuated, or have occasional leakage of stool, then you may have pelvic floor dysfunction. Check out the link from the Cleveland Clinic to learn more:
Please schedule an appointment with us to help clarify if pelvic floor dysfunction is an accurate diagnosis for you. We can coordinate the right evaluation and treatment to get you on track! Call 224.407.4400 or visit